This Saturday Fanshawe college will be welcoming potential future Fanshawe students. As this Saturday is the annual Fanshawe spring open house. This is a great opportunity for students to find out more about what Fanshawe College has to offer. “It’s also a great opportunity for parents as well” stated Devin Robinson, who is the Fanshawe Student Recruitment Manager. It is more than just an opportunity to discover what school is best for your education, there will also be some free stuff handed out during the event. There will be some free snacks and beverages handed out, and just for coming down to visit you can also get some great deals from Fanshawe’s well known Red Zone where you can load up on all the Fanshawe College and Fanshawe Falcon’s gear. The best part about that is, the apparel is all sponsored by Under Armour. Do not hesitate go ahead and visit Fanshawe College this Saturday from 10am until 2pm. Who knows it could be your gateway to your future career, you can unlock your potential(s), and get the chance to discover who you really are as a student, and as a person. Fanshawe Open House be there be square!
check out this video: