Cheryl Roach is a London resident who’s been waiting for a kidney for quite some time. She took to social media and posted a photo of herself wearing a pink shirt with the Living Kidney Donor Program phone number directly on it. The photo has been shared numerous times, but Roach has yet to get a call.
Roach has been in need for years, and discusses when she got diagnosed. “It started out first when I ended up with cancer about eight years ago, and then about four years after that I ended up with kidney failure, so I’ve been looking for a kidney ever since.”
It’s been a significant change for her and her family, and during the conversation, she identified how she has some dietary restrictions. “Kidney people cannot have any canned food, because it’s too high in sodium.”
The transplant list is long, and Roach explains the donor process. “It is a year to find a donor, because you go through a series of testing to make sure you’re healthy enough to go through with the transplant.”
Blood testing is one of the tests, and Roach says, the reason some people don’t donate is because they don’t know their own blood type. “I have people come up to me and say, I see your shirt, I know you’re in need, but, I don’t know my blood type.”
A donor can be anyone that is alive, or who has recently past. For Roach, she’s looking for a living donor. “Because of my health, it’s a better match, than someone that has already past… My kidneys are working at 13 per cent, so it’s quite urgent.”
She has seen lots of support from her family, and Roach continues to stay positive. “If you have the faith that you’re going to go on, you’re going to go on.”
If you want to help Roach and her family, and see if you’re a match, you can contact the number on her pink shirt on the post above.