Hundreds of anti-maskers gather around a stage, set up by the Freedom Marchers in the parking lot of the East Elgin Community Complex in Aylmer, Ontario. Speeches were made by Freedom March Organizer Kimberly Neudorf, Director of Vaccine Choice Canada Giselle Baribeau, Linda Sikes, and Paula from Stand-up Canada.
Linda Sikes, spoke on the behalf of her being “wrongfully shamed” in the Aylmer Express, from a letter to the editor article.
Sikes believes that the COVID-19 pandemic is fake and made a sign to protest. The sign included a picture of her lifelong friend, who is a World War II Veteran, with the words “How did we go from the greatest generation to be a nation of gullible gutless wonders”. She explained that this article was directed at her, because she was the one holding the sign in the picture.
The individual who wrote the article was a relative of the World War II Veteran and was appalled that their uncles’ picture was used.
“He would be spinning in his grave, if he knew that his picture was displayed by a bunch of crackpots, in a so-called freedom rally”.
Sikes was furious, and disconsolate. She continued to read the speech, powerfully with trembles in her voice.
“Freedom for what? Freedom from responsibility, freedom from doing their part, to contain this horrible disease; how dare you?”.
Sikes expressed that she believes that COVID-19 is a conspiracy and she knows that people are dying, but she dosen’t believe that it’s from COVID-19. Sikes said the article portrayed that she was in the wrong for using a man’s photo that passed away and has no say on the matter.
“I’m incensed that anyone would presume, or associate my uncle, with these people”.
Sikes said that she has been a “Freedom rally loving crackpot, as long as she can remember”. Tears came to Sikes eyes, when she said that she regarded her friend of 45 years; as a beautiful soul. She wanted her friend to come to her and talk to her like a reasonable and rational person. Sikes said that people who believe in “government propaganda” always have one opinion only and are never up for debate.
“This is what this fake pandemic is doing to people”
Sikes said she is participating in the Freedom rally because she is fighting for the future of her children, and grandchildren and the future of others. She expressed that baby boomers’ parents fought for their generation, and wonders why the grandpas, and grandmas aren’t fighting for their kids’ generation.
“We are retired, and can’t be fired for speaking out”
Freedom March protester speaks out on the behalf of being “publicly shamed” over her belief of this being a “fake pandemic” #aylmerprotest #FreedomMarch
— XFM News (@XFMNews) November 7, 2020