Good news to pet lovers, the London transit commission is letting people who use public transport bring their small pets like cats and dogs. This is so that anyone can take their pets wherever they want without having to have a car or a method of private transportation.
“I take the bus every day and I think this is fantastic.” Londoner passenger.
Let’s remember that the LTC allowed pets on the buses if they were support pets such as dogs that help the elderly or people with disabilities, however, now all kinds of dogs are allowed and some people who use the bus regularly agree with this news.
“I think public transit should be accessible for everyone specifically of people with lower income who maybe doesn’t have a car “Abby Scot, Western Student.
Abby Scott, a nursery student at western uses the bus daily to go from her home to the university, she thinks this is a good opportunity for people who don’t have the resources to take their pets to the vet.
“I think is good for those ones who need to take their pet to the vet or a family’s house, I think they should be able to do so without the barrier of not having a car” Abby Scott.
She hopes that more opportunities can be seen where the city takes into account people who use public transportation.