The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck. It’s responsible for secreting hormones that influence your body’s metabolism, body temperature as well as growth and development.
Your thyroid is controlled by the pituitary gland. Your pituitary gland produces a Thyroid Stimulating Hormone also known as TSH, which stimulates the thyroid to produce and secrete T3 and T4 hormones.
A lot of things can go wrong with the thyroid and it can greatly impact a person’s quality of life, but there are two common conditions to watch out for. Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Also known as ‘overactive thyroid.’ Symptoms of this condition can be dangerous, people who suffer from hyperthyroidism often experience heart palpitations or a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and anxiety.
In this case, the thyroid is making too many of one or both thyroid hormones.
Dan Bear has graves disease which causes hyperthyroidism, he says he was subject to drastic mood swings and lived with a constant feeling of hypertension in his chest. After years of living with the condition, he underwent a radioactive iodine treatment to kill his thyroid.
This condition is the opposite of hyperthyroidism. People who have an underactive thyroid often have issues with their weight fluctuating due to a slow metabolism. Other symptoms include extreme fatigue, impaired memory, loss of hair.
Lisa Katmor has Hashimoto’s disease. She suspects she’s lived with the condition most of her adult life but wasn’t tested until her 40s. When the Doctor’s finally measured her TSH levels, the results came back off the charts.
While there is no cure for the condition, Katmor had to try several medications before feeling relief. She says she did extensive research and had to advocate for herself to get to where she is today.
If you suspect you have a thyroid condition, always consult with your doctor first.