A 42-page report from the human trafficking hotline says London has been the easiest target for traffickers.
A new report from Canada’s human trafficking hotline data says that the pandemic has made it difficult for victims to report their cases since services are not as available and that London has been considered a significant location for human trafficking. The report says that 90 percent of the victims are women which makes it a gender based crime.
The report also highlights that a small portion of victims feel encouraged to speak up about their experiences and ask for help and that is why hotline services are available 24/7 in case there is an emergency. Although the pandemic has made it difficult for victims to report their emergency, London Abused Women’s centre has been one of the most active help centres during the pandemic.
Jennifer Dunn, the executive director at London Abused women’s centre, said in an interview that their help centre has been available for all victims all along the pandemic. Jen says that it has been hard for women to reach out for help during the pandemic when they are “stuck at home” with their traffickers. ” When a women is being trafficked all of her movements are being watched so it is very difficult for women to reach out for service over the phone.” Jen said.
Jen says that remote help could be not as effective for victims in a case of a global pandemic, especially for women who are looking for trust worthy people who are willing to help, and that trust could be built up stronger face-to-face instead of remote calls. Jen also highlights that the centre was providing help service during worse phases of the pandemic to make sure every ” One of the things we thrive on is being able to provide immediate access to service no matter what.” Jen said. “… during the pandemic we were having to be remote for about two months but we were able to provide all of our services over the phone to clients that were in need.”
During all the tough times that human/ sex trafficked women have to face, there is always a light to shine!
Every year a memorial purple light gets lit everywhere to make sure that all women suffering anywhere in the world realize that they will be supported everywhere they are, and no matter what happens.