Enbridge Gas and the Government of Ontario have teamed up to offer homeowners in London, Sault Ste. Marie, St. Catherines and Peterborough financial incentives.
As a part of the Clean Home Heating Initiative, a limited number of Enbridge customers qualify to receive approximately $3,000 to $4,500 for installing an air-source heat pump unit with smart controls which started back on Sept. 19. The initiative was announced on May 2nd 2022 and funds for the incentives are provided by the Ontario government.
Goal of the program is to provide homeowners an affordable way to reduce energy cost while providing and environmentally friendly solution to home heating.
A hybrid heating system uses two different systems when heating a home. When electricity rates are low and temperatures are average, the system uses an electric sourced heat pump. When electricity rates are at their peak, or when temperatures begin to fall, it switches to back to a conventional natural gas furnace.
During the summer, the system pum ps out heat from the inside and draws it outside, which is much more efficient than an air conditioner.
The air-source pump draws heat from the outside and pulls it inside during the fall, winter, and spring.
If temperatures are too low, the system automatically switches to natural gas to bring the heat back up.
Enbridge customers who are interested in joining the initiative are encouraged to contact a participating HVAC contractor.
More information can be found at https://www.enbridgegas.com/hybridheating